Steam Cleaner
Steam Cleaner

Five Ways I Use a Steam Cleaner in My Household

I think there are much much more ways of using and benefits of having a steam cleaner at one`s home. But here I describe five practical ways I use a steam cleaner in my household. I use this steam cleaner at home and I love it 😍. Here`s another one – the number one choice in the US, which I`d also recommend as a slightly cheaper substitution. And here is something in between.

*Tip: on eBay you may find a barely used machine, because some of the people buy it impulsively, and then, without realizing what a treasure they have bought, they try to get rid of it fast 😄.

No matter which machine you buy, they are mostly the same. The primary differences between the units are pressure, tank size, number of attachments, and produced steam temperature. The higher the pressure a unit produces, the hotter the steam that comes out.

Under the links below you can see the detailed instructions and cleaning video guides with a stem cleaner.

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Cleaning Window Frames with a Steam Cleaner

Window frames can accumulate dust, dirt, and grime over time, especially in those small crevices that are difficult to reach with conventional cleaning tools. They are that small, that one can`t reach them even with a tooth brush. A steam cleaner makes this task significantly! easier and more thorough.

How-to: attach a small nozzle (I use this one with my steam cleaner) or brush to your steam cleaner and direct the steam into the corners and crevices of the window frame. The high temperature and pressure will loosen the dirt, making it easy to wipe it away with a cloth. This method is particularly effective for removing built-up grime and even mould from the surface, ensuring that your window frames are not just clean but also sanitized.

Cleaning Heating Radiators

I experienced a whole ups-and-downs story with one very old, very dusty, very mouldy, and very rusty heating radiator. You can submerge yourself in that steaming adventure here 😂.

Dirty radiator
Rusty, mouldy, and dusty radiator

Radiators can be tricky to clean due to their complex shapes and the dust that tends to accumulate in hard-to-reach areas. Dust and dirt trapped inside radiators not only look unsightly but can also reduce their efficiency and cause health issues due to the allergens carried buy dust particles.

How-to: use a steam cleaner with a narrow nozzle attachment (I use this one with my steam cleaner) to direct steam between the radiator fins. The steam will loosen the dust and dirt, which can then be wiped away or vacuumed. Regularly steaming your radiators helps improve their efficiency and ensures that the heat distribution in your home is optimal.

Removing Paint Drops

If you’ve recently undertaken a painting project, you might find small paint drops on floors, windows, radiators or other surfaces. Removing these without damaging the surface can be challenging, but a steam cleaner can help with any kind of paint drops, seriously, I demolished them even on my brick walls.

How-to: direct a concentrated stream of steam at the paint drops to soften them. Once the paint is soft, you can gently scrape it off with a plastic scraper or wipe it away with a cloth. This method works well on most surfaces, including tiles, wood, bricks and glass, without causing damage or leaving scratches (be careful with the glass, don`t use a steam cleaner if the glass is thin or of a significantly lower temperature).

Cleaning the Sink Drains and Overflow

Over time, kitchen and bathroom sink drains and overflow holes can accumulate grease, soap scum, and other debris, leading to unpleasant odour and slow drainage. A steam cleaner can help keep your drains and overflow clear and fresh.

How-to: remove the drain cover and use a nozzle attachment to direct steam down the drain. The high temperature of the steam will break down grease and other residues, helping to clear blockages and eliminate odour. For a deeper clean, you can follow up by flushing the drain with hot water.

How to clean a sink/bathtub/bidet overflow

Sometimes you enter a bathroom and it is so clean and shiny, that you are simply afraid to leave any traces of your staying there. Then you slowly approach the washbasin to wash your hands and boom! All of a sudden you see that small hole on the back of the sink – all covered with mould and yellow stone sculptures left by the art of the hard water! And, with a slight mischievous smile lightheartedly you keep doing your “dirty” stuff 🤭.

This little overflow hole is very often disregarded even by the tidiest homeowners. After all, how can you clean something, what you cannot get to 🙄.

But with a steam cleaner you actually can get to that unreachable “home-for-sooo-much-dirt” place and get all of these:

How to clean a sink overflow
How to clean a sink overflow

out of there. . .

You can see the overflow clean in this picture. Because I regularly clean it with this homemade anti-calc solution and an old toothbrush.

But also what you can see in this picture is what`s accumulated beyond that visible clean part of this mysterious hole, usually. And I discovered that only when I had to change this sink`s drain tailpiece.

But you don`t have to disassemble the whole drain to clean the overflow. Just clean that hole with the cleaning solution and the toothbrush as much as you can reach. And then take the steam cleaner and direct the steam into that hole flushing out all the grease and dirt accumulated there for all this time.

Cleaning the Grouts

Grout lines between tiles, particularly in bathrooms and kitchens, are notorious for collecting dirt, mould, and mildew. Scrubbing grout by hand is debilitating, but a steam cleaner indeed simplifies the task. It doesn`t actually save your time, but makes the process much much much easier and more fun. That much fun, that I made a thousand pictures of before and after 😂. I even made some videos, but they are lost somewhere in the latitude between the storage cards of the video and photo camera. . .

How-to: attach a small brush to your steam cleaner and run it along the grout lines. The steam cleaner I use comes with a pair of those brushes. The combination of steam and brushing action will effectively lift and remove dirt, mould, and mildew.


Steam cleaners are powerful tools that can make many household cleaning tasks much much easier, more effective, and eco-friendly. By using a steam cleaner to tackle window frames, radiators, paint drops, drains and overflows, and grout lines, I manage to maintain a cleaner and healthier home with minimal effort. A steam cleaner definitely is an invaluable asset in my cleaning arsenal.

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